Adam Frank Bio:
Adam Frank is a professor of astrophysics and the author of two books; The Constant Fire, Beyond the Science vs. Religion Debate and About Time, Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang.
Adam is also a contributor to the NPR blog 13.7: Cosmos & Culture. His writing has also appeared in The New York Times and the magazines Discover and Scientific American. He studies the processes that shape the formation and death of stars and has become a leading expert on the final stages of evolution for stars like the sun. Adam is a theoretical/computational astrophysicist and he heads a research group that is developing new tools for simulating the cosmos. WEBSITE AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE In This Episode We Discuss:
Tom Campbell Bio:
Tom Campbell is a physicist, lecturer, and author of the My Big T.O.E. (Theory of Everything) trilogy, a work that unifies general relativity, quantum mechanics, and metaphysics along with the origins of consciousness. His work represents the results and conclusions of thirty years of careful scientific exploration of the boundaries and contents of reality from both the physical and metaphysical viewpoints. In his career he has also worked in applied physics for organizations like the Department of Defense as well as NASA.
He has built a very active community around his Theory of Everything where his youtube videos have garnered over 3 million views. It is an honor to have him with us today. Because Tom has so much wisdom and insight and because what he talks about is complex and requires some deeper thinking, we decided to split this recording into two episodes. In Episode 1 We Discuss:
In Episode 2 We Discuss:
About:An exploration with leading thinkers around the nature of our reality. Top 3 Episodes:Categories:
May 2017